HELP Elderly Cardboard Collectors!

While some of these cardboard collectors may be collecting cardboard as a form of ‘exercise’, cardboard collectors under SowCare are actually in need of help, many of whom suffer from health conditions like back pain and weak legs and require financial assistance.

EVERY CENT MATTERS! Please help the homeless!

These are people we rarely see or have never seen before. But, that doesn’t mean that they do not exist. They may be hidden in HDB void decks, commercial buildings or carparks. Studies have shown that there are more than 1000 people who are homeless in Singapore. The high cost of living in Singapore coupled with the recent inflation has made it even more difficult for homeless individuals to survive. SowCare has been actively participating in Safe Sound Sleeping Places (S3P) programme to provide 10 homeless individuals housing and basic necessities. However, our goal is to provide many more of these homeless individuals shelter and even something as simple as food to eat.

John DOE