
Alliance of Domestic Employees Outreach


Alliance of Domestic Employees Outreach (ADEO) is a movement in which SowCare renders holistic care and support to our foreign domestic workers (FDWs) in Singapore through mental wellness programme, case management, awareness, and promotion to care for Domestic Employees’ (DEs) employers, recreation activities, and empowerment and skill-development. ADEO also seeks to establish a network of partners and encourage synergy collaborations and the sharing of resources and services, which will benefit the DEs and their employers.

Our involvements:
– Monthly Social Gatherings
– Weekly Engagement
– Mental Wellness Programmes
– Cultural and Interfaith Activities
– Appreciation Programs

Alliance of Guest Workers Outreach


The Alliance of Guest Workers Outreach (AGWO) is a movement in which SowCare Ltd is involved to provide sustainable holistic care for guest workers in Singapore. AGWO aims to establish a platform for collaborations, partnerships, and the sharing of resources and services to benefit guest workers.

Our involvements:
– Weekly Engagement at Recreation Centres
– Skills Development
– Mental Wellness Awareness
– Sports Training Programs & Activities
– Cultural and Interfaith Activities
– Appreciation Programs

Ending Homelessness Together


Ending Homelessness Together (EHT) is a movement in which SowCare Ltd is involved which aims to help reduce the number of homeless people in Singapore by working closely with the Ministry of Social and Family Development (MSF) by providing holistic care and showing love to the rough sleepers. Through facilitating, supporting, and partnering with MSF as an S3P (Safe Sound Sleeping Places), SowCare continues to serve our stayers in The Bible House through sheltering and befriending them. 

Our involvements:
– Supporting S3P Partner Shelter Services
– Care Pack & Cash Gift Distribution
– Befriending

Love Your (Unseen) Neighbours


Love Your Unseen Neighbour (LYUN) is a movement in which SowCare Ltd is involved in which provides financial and social help for low-income families and vulnerable-in-community (VIC) in Singapore, such as the elderly cardboard collectors and tissue sellers who reside in the neighbourhood areas across Singapore. Beyond this, LY(U)N also promotes good neighbourliness by inducing acts of love, compassion and empathy for residents who are in financial difficulties and may also be unseen by the public. 

Our involvements:
– Befriending
– Care Pack & Cash Gift Distribution
– Self-Care Program
– Child Mental Wellness Programmes

The Alphabet Project


The Alphabet Project (TAP) is a movement in which SowCare is involved to provide holistic care for children aged 7 to 12 from less privileged families. SowCare is involved in TAP’s initiatives, which include support for the attendance of literacy programs run by our partners, enrichment activities, and social engagements.
TAP aims to build the confidence of these children and foster connections within the families with the aim of uplifting them.

Our involvements:
– Support for Literacy Programmes (Read.write.tell with Bedok SSO/VJC , Happy Learners@WeLLs etc.)
– Enrichment Activities (TAP Children Christmas Carnival)
– Social Engagement (Rice Pack Distributions at Rental Block Flats)