Hospitality as justice: Addressing homelessness in Singapore
Source from The Methodist Church in Singapore, 2023: Hospitality as justice: Addressing homelessness in Singapore – The Methodist Church in Singapore In the Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy’s (LKYSPP) inaugural street count of homeless people in Singapore in 2019, it revealed between 921 and 1,050 street homeless across…

Speech by Minister Desmond Lee at the Bible Society of Singapore’s 200th Anniversary Bible Mission Banquet
Source from Ministry of National Development, 2023: Speech by Minister Desmond Lee at the Bible Society of Singapore’s 200th Anniversary Bible Mission Banquet (mnd.gov.sg) Good evening! It is my pleasure and privilege to congratulate the Bible Society of Singapore on this key milestone – 200 years of the Bible Mission…

Lucky draw, games for 200 helpers at carnival to celebrate International Domestic Workers’ Day
Source from The Strait Times, 2022: Lucky draw, games for 200 helpers at carnival to celebrate International Domestic Workers’ Day | The Straits Times SINGAPORE- The weekends would usually see Ms Luz Gabriel hanging out with friends at a park near the church they attend, but on Sunday (June 19),…

Sowing Care for the Homeless Amidst COVID-19
Source from Temasek Trust, 2020: Sowing Care for the Homeless Amidst COVID-19 (temasektrust.org.sg) SowCare is the charity arm of The Bible Society of Singapore that aims to serve, empower and sow holistic care for the underprivileged communities in Singapore and beyond. Through its partnership with various voluntary welfare organisations (VWOs),…

About SowCare Together
Source from SowCare, 2021: https://www.facebook.com/watch/?v=517442412544815

Ask Me Anything with Joyder Ng: The Homeless Shelter Manager
Source from Mustsharenews, 2022: https://www.facebook.com/watch/?v=277697461189491

Sowcare S3P CNY Celebration 2022 @ Bible House (hia.sg)
Source from Hope Initiative Alliance, 2022: Sowcare S3P CNY Celebration 2022 @ Bible House (hia.sg) SowCare would like to remember the least and the needy amongst us by sharing the love of Christ to the rough sleepers at S3P @ Yishun and S3P @ Bible House respectively during the Chinese…

Happy Lunar New Year to our dear S3P Uncles!
Source from SowCare, 2022: https://www.facebook.com/watch/?v=354491113187804 Gong Xi Fa Cai! Chinese New Year is a good opportunity to share the love of Christ to the underprivileged in our midst, especially those who may not have the privilege to gather with their families and loved ones to celebrate the festivities. To celebrate the…

For I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me…
Source from SowCare, 2021: https://www.facebook.com/watch/?v=1265517970620503 “For I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me… … And the King will answer them, ‘Truly, I say to you, as you did it to one of the…

Blessed Christmas to our S3P Family!
Source from SowCare, 2021: https://www.facebook.com/watch/?v=625456288882553 SowCare would also like to remember the least and the needy amongst us. On the 5th and 19th December of 2021, SowCare celebrated a warm Christmas celebration with the rough sleepers at S3P@Yishun and S3P@Bible House respectively. It was such an intimate and joyful Christmas celebration…

Youth from different faiths to sow care together in the community
Source from TheHomeGround, 2021: Youth from different faiths to sow care together in the community | TheHomeGround Asia Launched on 3 April, a new interfaith initiative called SowCare Together aims to being Singapore youth from different faiths together to do good. It plans to recruit some 300 volunteers from different…

CNY Cheers to Innkeeper Friends
Source from SowCare, 2021: https://www.facebook.com/watch/?v=354897862238588&rdid=Q1HNO465UwWbAZux

Reaching The Forgotten With The Word
Source from The Bible Society of Singapore, 2020: homeless – Bible Society —Interview with Bishop Philip Adhikary from Bangladesh Bible Society Despite having a population of about 164 million, only 0.4% of people in Bangladesh identify as Christian. Even though Christianity is largely considered a minority religion in the country,…

Appreciating Community Efforts Amidst Adversity
Source from The Bible Society of Singapore, 2020: homeless – Bible Society Although the outbreak of COVID-19 has resulted in the cessation of many of our ministry activities, The Bible Society of Singapore (BSS) has been keeping up with our efforts to sow God’s Word though various digital platforms and…

Safe Sound Sleeping Places (S3P)
Source from The Bible Society of Singapore, 2020: homeless – Bible Society As the Body of Christ, just as we are called to share the Gospel and make His Word known—we are also called to care for the broken and vulnerable. Apart from guest workers and underprivileged communities, the COVID-19…

Source from The Bible Society of Singapore, 2020: homeless – Bible Society “Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you drink?”“Truly, I say to you, as you did it to one of the least of these my brothers, you did it to me”— Matthew…

Source from The Bible Society of Singapore, 2020: homeless – Bible Society — Addressing Poverty in Singapore — “Put your life into Christ’s hands, then ask Him to use you to help others overcomeboth their material and spiritual poverty.”— Billy Graham Aside from ministering His Word to the people, Jesus’…

SG United Amidst Adversity
Source from Hope Initiative Alliance, 2020: https://www.facebook.com/biblesocietysg/posts/read-more-about-our-new-initiative-sg-united-amidst-adversity-on-the-official-pr/2666219446823822/

Source from The Bible Society of Singapore, 2019: Singaporeans bring festive cheer to guest workers and Foreign Domestic Workers (FDWs) – Bible Society Widely celebrated festive seasons, such as Christmas, are especially meaningful because they bring families and loved ones together over shared meals and traditions. However, these occasions can…